Journal a Better You
2 min readApr 6, 2022
Photo by i yunmai on Unsplash

Another thing that people do to improve themselves is to get to a healthy weight. There are several steps to doing this and I am going to write what I do to give you some ideas.

Six years ago, I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. I was 46 at the time-just gave my age away! (That’s why I can share many things with you-experience!)

I was 130 pounds at the time, but I got up to 142 pounds and I didn’t like it one bit. My energy levels went down, I found it hard to concentrate, I was always tired, and my blood sugar levels were sky high! This had to change, and I did manage to get it under control finally, but it took a lot of determination and commitment on my part then and still does now. I do take insulin before meals and at bedtime. I have cut anything with more than 3 grams of sugar out of my diet, watch my caloric density intake, and count carbs.

I found Noom. What is Noom? Noom is an app that keeps you accountable each day when it comes to your meal intake, your weight, your exercise, plus it has great resources to use. I recommend this to everyone who is battling with weight today. You start with two free weeks then choose a package. I chose four months for $139.

I shared what I was doing with my hubby and dad. I am glad they both support the effort I put in each day-especially getting the exercise done! That is the part that I need the push on most days. I believe it is due to my ego and its’ negative thoughts. The ego is not your friend, it is why we fail or procrastinate. It is why we judge others and ourselves. (More on the ego next week.)

So, let me ask you this-what do you use when you need to lose weight? Do you use an app like Noom, watch YouTube videos, go to the gym, see a nutritionist? The world is full of information, diets, exercise programs, etc.-how does one choose? You have to dig deep into what you want to start with-the main reason you want weight loss. Is it to get healthy? Weight loss? Nutrition? Research is what I recommend.

Get started and remember to journal your journey!

Until next week…



Journal a Better You

My life and life lessons, suggestions, and guidance from a survivor of multiple traumas.