Standing Stretches

Journal a Better You
2 min readJan 12, 2022
Photo by Alexandra Tran on Unsplash

Good morning and what a good morning it is!

So you have done your bed stretches and now you are ready to go to the standing stretches.

First off I like to start with “stepping jacks” which is the same as “jumping jacks” but without the jumping. You will step to the side raising your arms and lowering them just like you do during jumping jacks. I do it 10 times on each side.

Next, I like to do a torso twist. Starting with legs shoulder-width apart, I cross my arms so each hand rests on the opposite shoulder, then gently twist my torso and head to the right, hold for 5 seconds, then repeat on the left side. I do 5 twists on each side. Remember, gently, do not force your torso to twist.

After this, keeping my feet shoulder-width apart, I place my hands where my hips meet my legs and knees slightly bent, I take a breath in, release it as I bend to a 45-degree angle, and take in a breath as I use my back to straighten back up. (Remember to use your back when you are straightening from any bend you do, this will keep you safe from pulling any muscles or tendons.) Repeat this 5 times.

Now I will lift my bent right leg to my bent left arm (once again go as far as you are comfortable with, do not force any exercise) then do the same with the opposite leg and arm. I repeat this 3 times. (For me, I usually hear a pop on my right hip joint-this is just gas that is being pushed out from your joint.)

Next, I will hold onto the dresser as I circle my right leg out, then circle it in. Repeat this 3 times and then switch to the left leg. You may turn so your leg is away from the dresser. (You may hold onto a chair, also. Just make sure you are stable to do this so you don’t hurt your leg in any way.)

Now I will stand tall and bend forward touching the floor with my hands. I hold this for 15 seconds and then I go down to the floor stretches.

NOTE: Before any exercise please remember to consult your doctor.

Now open the curtains and say out loud “Good morning world!” Say it with enthusiasm, loud and proud!

Until next week, take care of yourself and be kind to yourself!



Journal a Better You

My life and life lessons, suggestions, and guidance from a survivor of multiple traumas.