Journal a Better You
4 min readOct 8, 2021


Be Present Now

For most everyone being present is taken for granted. For example, we may think we are being present when someone is talking to us while we are on another task such as checking emails, news, social networks, etc. Wrong!

To be present is to put down all devices, look at the person talking, and hear what they are saying. It means to actively listen. It means to hear every word and the meaning behind them. It means to take in what is being said whether at a meeting or one-on-one.

The steps to being present start with focus. Focus your mind on the person talking. Quiet the mind and its thoughts that try to derail your focus. When a thought pops into your head pertaining to something that is not what the person is talking about, such as, what to have for supper, your appointments, the kids, etc. let the thought float through while ignoring them and placing your attention on the person speaking. Believe me, it takes practice but you can do it!

Let’s take a look at the mind and how it keeps us from being present. Think of your mind as the one thing that doesn’t want you to succeed in anything. It is the thing that talks negatively in your head, brings up the past that you are trying so hard to move on from keeping you stuck inside your head and not in the present moment. You may think your mind is a good thing when it actually isn’t. The mind aka egos are known to be the root of all that is bad. The ego tries to derail our lives and our successes. It is like a mini demon inside us that wants nothing but bad things to happen to us, to be done by us, and to create in us a self-serving, manipulative, greedy individual. Do you want that for yourself? No.

What you want is for the ego to shut up and for your true self to come out and support you, guide you, and love you. That is called awareness. We are all born in awareness and we are living in it until we reach an age when we start listening to others and not our inner selves. That is when our awareness or if you will, our spirit goes into hiding. We need to bring it back out so we can live in a state of focus and awareness. A state of self-love and be in the present moment.

Being present entails your full attention when someone is talking, you are working on a project, such as my blog right now. Being present brings your attention to the moment at hand. When you go to a concert, your focus is on the band, the music, the song. It shouldn’t be on tomorrow’s activities or next month’s vacation plans-right?

Let’s say you are a college student, and you have a test to study for but your friend just broke up with their boyfriend/girlfriend. You choose to be there for your friend and you are listening to them, crying with them, consoling them. Now tell me-are you thinking about the test? No, you are in the present moment with your friend. See how easy it is to focus on one thing at a time? You may have had a passing thought of the test come in, but you chose to remain focused and in the present moment for your friend. That’s what I mean by saying let the thoughts come in and go by. Don’t give them attention otherwise you have just broken the focus and are no longer in the present moment.

Am I repeating myself? I am aware of this and I am doing it because I want you to help yourself and your awareness to come together once again. To be able to live in a state of being present in the moments is going to enliven your existence in this world. It is going to open you up to new experiences, new friendships of like-minded individuals, to help you get to where you want to be in your life today.

Today in your journal, I want you to write down 5 times you were completely present for another person talking to you this week. Honestly. Don’t feel bad about yourself if you are struggling with this, that is what practice is for! We are all learning together.

To reach out you can email me at and I will be sure to respond within 24 hours!

Now go forward and be present!



Journal a Better You

My life and life lessons, suggestions, and guidance from a survivor of multiple traumas.